Sunday, May 23, 2010

Proud and busy Mamma

I could not be prouder of my kids.  They never cease to amaze me.  Last week my daughter was confessing to me that she thought she had been lazy this school year and that she could have done more.  Well, who could not say as much about themselves?  Yet later in the week she was called forward during the awards ceremony at her school because of her status as one of the top 20 GPAs in her grade.  I did a bit of math and her top 20 GPA relative to the number of kids in her class puts her in the top 3%. - Yeah uh huh, that's my definition of Lazy.  I wonder what she could have done if she had tried harder?

My son, no slouch, despite rarely having homework (he insists he gets it done in school before he leaves) seems to be getting his share of work done too.  He walked away from his awards ceremony with a perfect attendance certificate, a certificate for Excellence in Math and one for Outstanding in Science!

Last week was the last Music Booster meeting that I will attend from a seat - next month I step into the role of Booster President.  My sister likes to tease me and remind me I could have turned it down, while my husband reassures me I'll do a great job.  My sister - teasing me because she knows that there is no way that I will see my term as booster president through without putting a lot of work into it.  Maybe I should have reminded her of the hundreds of hours she has dedicated to Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure as a volunteer? 

While chaperoning my daughter's band(s) to Weekend in Wildwood some of the instructors thanked me (and the other boosters) for all the time and work we do to help keep the music programs running.  I pointed out to one of them as we walked down the boardwalk right after one of the competitions, that it's my job as a parent to help my children, to support them in all they hope to achieve.  I can't give them a trust fund, but I can let them know that I believe in them and will be there for them (even if it means riding home from very long days soaked on less than comfortable school buses at goodness knows what hour). 

Many of us achieve success by overcoming obstacles, but few of us dare to take on those obstacles without someone to encourage us or challenge us to do our best or just to try.

So, I will continue to support and challenge my kids and along the way I reap incalculable rewards, just watching my kids (the ones I gave birth to and all the others who make up an ever growing extended family) take on challenges, learn from mistakes and sometimes glory in successes.

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