Monday, September 28, 2009

Escaping reality, enchanting doors

I don’t know about you, but some days I would just like to open a door into a different world, to escape my own realities even if only for a few moments. Books, movies, music, art and so many other real world options can distract you for a time and often bring with them new insights or at least a diversion. Though the fantasy of actually stepping out of time and the known world we all occupy has some hold on my imagination, and clearly I am not alone. Wandering around on etsy I’ve found a few shops that offer doors that open new possibilities. They may not be large enough to actually get through (unless you have found some of the edibles from Alice in Wonderland) but they are inviting to the imagination and delightfully charming additions to a garden or home.

These inviting wee doors are from:

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