The news has had too many stories that make my heart bleed. The dictionary says a "bleeding heart" is a person who shows extravagant sympathy especially for an object of alleged persecution. That works for me. The stories of all those poor kids being tormented, beaten, outed for being different. Not all of them were or are gay, bullies don't need or want facts their fear of people who are "different" is often enough to make them lash out and hurt people. Why??? Who knows, I bet there are more reasons than there are bullies or kids being bullied. Karen and I were bullied as kids, it made me stronger and more sensitive, but I don't want anyone else to have to endure it. Some kids who are bullied turn around and bully others. When my kids have been bullied or witnessed bullying I have tried to discuss possible reasons the bullies do what they do, and reassure them that it will get better, as people mature there are fewer bullies in any given group. I wish I could say that there are no adult bullies, but most of us have worked with or for a bully at some time in our lives. But most of us find a way to cope or move on to a different job/school.
It gets better
It Gets BetterThe response to this treasury was overwhelming to me, for a little while it was ranked "hot" enough to make it to the front page of the treasuries. Many of the comments made me cry, and some made me proud. Among the comments came some new information to me, there is a QueerEtsyStreetTeam , they have a shop. All of the proceeds of this shop support the Trevor Project. The Trevor Project is the leading national organization focused on crisis and suicide prevention efforts among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) youth.
I don't ask you to support any of my causes, but that you take a moment to support a cause that your care about. No matter how small your gesture of support may be it will make a difference.
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