Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wearing Purple

Today is Wear Purple Day.  I am wearing purple, to honor the memories of the 6 teens whose lives ended as a result of bullying for being gay.  Asher, Raymond, Tyler, Billy, Justin & Seth Rest in Peace & may your memories continue to inspire the world to keep moving forward towards peace & harmony.

I have also taken this day as an inspiration to create a purple treasury to honor them and to further spread the message and speak to the world of the preciousness of every spirit.

A wise woman, who is a devout Christian, when discussing the horror of the bullying and the lives lost, told me a few weeks ago that "God made them, and God does not make anything he hates."  If we could all recognize the wisdom of that statement.  In the mean time those of us with caring hearts and voices need to keep spreading peace & acceptance of all people no matter what their sexuality, race, faith might be.

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